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How Do You Fight Back with JOY?

For some of us, it’s been a marathon and we have hit some bumps along the way. What do you do to keep yourself going? What do you read? What do you watch? What do you listen to?

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Story of Courage - Isaac

  At StomaStoma we believe in the power of community and sharing our stories of courage and victory. Meet our rad little friend, Isaac. Isaac was born at 31 weeks, with a rare birth defect - Esophageal Atresia, his esophagus wasn't connected. Early surgeries to repair it ultimately caused his vocal cords to scar together and become paralyzed. When he was 4 months old we made the decision to trach him, and it was the best decision we ever made. He went from being a sick, tired baby connected to oxygen and later bipap to a happy, squirmy, full of life baby literally overnight! Isaac is 9 now, he has undergone 27 major surgeries - most related to his esophagus,...

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Introducing StomaStoma!

When our son Owen was born only weighing 1lb 2oz. our family used t-shirts as a rallying cry to bring a community of support and love around him during his many months in the hospital.  Having a trach or g-tube, or being a family member of someone who does, can be scary and overwhelming at first. When Owen needed both several months later, we figured we could once again use to use art and design to not only bring a community of people together, but to try and normalize this abnornal thing. To create a sense of belonging for those who feel different. To use humor and joy to lightened mood for those living the tubie and trach life. To remind ourselves that we're not alone! We're a family of people that...

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